Sunday, April 25, 2010

DEFINE: GIVING BACK \ giv-eng bak \

Still working on Earth Day-celebration mode: This week culminates in the Hands On New York event, hosted annually by New York Cares, the amazing umbrella organization by which savvy NYC'ers find volunteer opportunities of every stripe that they can sign up for on a weekly or whenever basis. It sends an army of good-will/love-my-city types out to parks, schools and public spaces to give these spots a good solid spring cleaning. I helped register folks (wearing the above tee, which, yes, I customized, as you can see, when I got home) who were signed up to take buses to their assigned locations from the NY Cares HQ on W. 29th St. Best two things about the day? All the genuine good will. And walking through the (hugely diminished but still remarkable) Flower District at the crack o' the a.m.

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